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Rolland-Plaisance Media Library Tests Li Fi Technology Products From Lucibel, Ellipz And Signify

Rolland-Plaisance Media Library Tests Li Fi Technology Products From Lucibel, Ellipz And Signify

Rolland-Plaisance Media Library

The Rolland-Plaisance Media Library, in Évreux, is currently testing Li Fi technology from three Li Fi companies, Lucibel, Ellipz and Signify. This allows visitors to surf the Internet at a high-speed connection via Li Fi technology.

Évreux is still at the forefront of innovation!"A very proud Guy Lefrand welcomed the representatives of companies in the field of "Li-Fi" to the Rolland-Plaisance media library in the capital of Eure.

But it is to its vice-president in charge of the development of digital uses at the Évreux Portes de Normandie (EPN) agglomeration, Arnaud Mabire (more knowledgeable on the subject), that he left the task of presenting this presented technology as “of the future” and “promising”.

Arnaud Mabire, Vice-president of the Evreux Portes de Normandie agglomeration, stated: “Radio solutions have one drawback, that of going through the body. If we want to increase the flow, we have to increase the waves. Li-Fi does not pass through the body.“

Trulifi dongle - Credit to Signify

The Rolland-Plaisance Media Library permits visitors to test the technology for three months, until November 2021. Three companies (Lucibel, Ellipz and Signify) present their solutions there. "This showroom allows residents, students, businesses, etc. to be shown that the technology exists and that it can be tested," says Arnaud Mabire.

A first step in the world of Li-Fi, which is predicted to have a bright future. “There are real expectations from this technology,” says EPN's vice president. We believe in. It remains to define the standard and to miniaturize the photoreceptors in order to integrate them into smartphones, tablets or computers, in short, to offer this technology to as many people as possible. It should be tomorrow.

"Devices will be equipped from 2022, but the market should take a lot of amplitude in 2023", announces Eric Deblonde. "The explosion should take place within 4-5 years," predicts Arnaud Mabire. According to specialists and manufacturers, it will be much earlier.

Ellipz Li Fi Lamp - Credit to Ellipz

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What is Li Fi?

Li-Fi, also known as "Light Fidelity" is a wireless optical networking technology, which uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit data. In 2011, professor Harald Haas made a Li-Fi demonstration at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Global Talk on Visible Light Communication (VLC).

VLC uses light as a medium to deliver high-speed communication like Wi-Fi and complies with the IEEE standard IEEE 802.15.7. The IEEE 802.15.7 is a high-speed, bidirectional, and fully networked wireless communication technology-based standard similar to Wi-Fi's IEEE 802.11.

How does Li Fi work?

Li-Fi is a high speed, bidirectional, and fully networked wireless communication of data using light. Li-Fi constitutes of several light bulbs that form a wireless network.

When an electrical current goes through to a LED light bulb, a stream of light (photons) emits from the lamp. LED bulbs are semiconductor devices, which means that the brightness of the light flowing through them can change at extremely high speeds. The signal is sent by modulating the light at different rates. The signal can then be received by a detector that interprets the changes in light intensity (the signal) as data. Also when the LED is ON, you transmit a digital 1, and when it is OFF, you transmit a 0.

Li Fi Benefits

The primary benefits of Li-Fi are as follows:

Security: Provides entirely secure access. Where there is no light there is no data.

Safety: Does not produce electromagnetic radiation and does not interfere with existing electronic systems.

Localisation: Allows localisation due to the small coverage area of Li-Fi access point - localisation can be used for very precise asset tracking.

Data density: Provides ubiquitous high-speed wireless access that offers substantially greater data density (data rate per unit area) than RF through high bandwidth reuse.

Credit to Signify

Li Fi Applications

Li-Fi can be used for so many applications and the list is increasing every year. You can read our updated list of Li-Fi applications at the following link:

Credit to pureLiFi

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