US Podcast Episode 5 - Guest Speaker Fernando DeLosReyes Discusses LiFi Technology on OWNii, LiFi and Blockchain Twitter Space Podcast

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    US Podcast Episode 5 - Guest Speaker Fernando DeLosReyes Discusses LiFi Technology on OWNii, LiFi and Blockchain Twitter Space Podcast

    In today’s article, we revisited the Twitter podcast held on Wednesday 10th August 2022.

    Guest speaker Fernando DeLosReyes, Solutions Architect Manager at Wildflower International, LTD was invited to discuss LiFi technology.

    Below are some of the Podcast conversations. Some of the conversations have been edited:

    Fernando DeLosReyes: “Thank you so much. Hi, everyone. My name is Fernando. I'm a Solutions Architect manager at Wildflower based in southern Arizona. But I've been in federal sales for the last 20 years. We're based out of Albuquerque, and we're a value-added reseller to the federal government.”

    Donovan James: “Great. So Fernando, how did you get into the LiFi space?”

    Fernando DeLosReyes: “So thanks for that's a great question. And, and I'm going to try to go really fast because we got a lot of ground cover. But I’m an Army veteran and I was in the Signal Corps. So, I was you know, in the army, I was fixing networks. So that's my background. And for the last, my last couple of jobs, I've been working at companies that sell network and you know, Wi-Fi test equipment at the top companies actually NetScout slash net ally. And I ended up at Wildflower right before COVID. And so we're you know, we've been doing really good. But we saw that the US Army about two years ago was asking for, they had a request for information for LiFi. And there's a whole history behind that. But you know, we wanted to respond to it. So I got as smart as I could at the time. This is two years ago, I read everything I could about it I read, you know, Harald has his book, The principles of LED light communication. And, well, you know, like with Wildflower, you want to come up with the best solution. And you know, that's good. I want to go into that a little bit deeper. But so I was helping customers for the last seven years, I was helping them with Wi-Fi problems. So you know, I love helping customers with Wi-Fi problems.”

    “And when we saw the request for LiFi, I'm like, Hey, let's go check it out. You know, so I saw it at the TechNet Augusta last year. And I immediately saw the value immediately because it doesn't it's not on the RF spectrum, like I said, for the last seven years, and I got some stories I'll share with you. But for the last seven years, I've been helping people with you know, RF Wi-Fi problems. Okay, I think this is cool. But you know, I've been in situations before where I get it, I think it's cool, but you know, does the customer gonna you know, is the customer going to like it or they're going to buy it that's the main thing. So I brought as many customers as we had and I'll share with you you know I had customers stop by our Wildflower booth and say what does Wildflower do and I would take him around the corner to the pureLiFi booth and I'd say Hey, this is LiFi, Light Fidelity internet and an overlay and, you know, share what I knew about it and talked about it. And then, I'd say wildflower brings you the best technologies. That's what Wildflower do. So anyway, so you know, so I talked to a lot of customers and then We ended up, you know, we ended up selling a multimillion-dollar opportunity to the US Army, who made a huge investment in LiFi. And ever since then I've been taught I probably talked to about 1000 people since last year about LiFi.”

    Donovan James: “Well, that I mean, that is that's phenomenal. Can you just tell us one quick story about like how you helped one of your customers with LiFi?”

    Fernando DeLosReyes: “Okay with LiFi. So, the reason why the US Army made such a huge investment, it's public information, you can actually go to pureLiFi’s website, they got a blog or press about it. But the reason why the US Army in Europe made such a huge investment in LiFi was that depending on the country, the weather, and the season, would determine what Wi-Fi Channel, you were going to be on, you almost had to be an expert at Wi-Fi, just to turn on an access point. But because the light spectrum is unlicensed and 2600 times larger than the RF spectrum, you don't have to be an expert to flip on a light switch.”

    Roger: “I read that a couple of schools in Rome started implementing LiFi into the schools for kids that are under four years old, because of the fact that the radiation from Wi-Fi is so bad for kids that most schools don't have Wi-Fi because of how bad the radiation is, in the Wi-Fi, is that true?”

    Fernando DeLosReyes: “Well, I'll jump in, I always get really nervous about talking about, you know how dangerous radiation is because you know because that still needs to be determined. However, in France, there are laws against RF Wi-Fi has been deployed. They have a problem with their children being bombarded with RF Wi-Fi all day long, you know, so, and what they found that they're having a lot of success with it because they only deploy. And here's something I want everybody to listen to the term because I think it's important that we start getting on the same page of terminology. So, we all start talking the same, but they only deploy the LiFi access points over the workspaces, where they're needed over the children's work areas, over their desks, over the teacher's desk, where the teachers’ work areas, but not in the hallway, not in the cafeteria, not in the bathroom. And you can only get on the network with their equipment or where they're issued equipment or where they issue passwords. And so they're having a lot of success within France.”

    “My final statement would be the call to action is on LiFi. The call to action is, look, we're not trying to compete with Wi-Fi because you got to understand that I'm coming in settling into the federal government where it takes a long time for things to get adopted. There's a lot of regulation. We're talking about highly regulated secure networks on the planet. But, you know, for me selling into the federal government, what I'm sharing and my call to action is, look, we know that there is spectrum congestion, you know, we need to get the high priority users off of the RF spectrum, which we know is easy to manipulate onto a more secure spectrum, which is 2600 times faster, it reconnects faster, you don't even know what's on unless you're in the room.”

    Podcast Recording

    You can also listen and download the full audio recording below:

    You can also listen the podcast on the following Twitter link:

    Li-Fi Conference 2022

    The Li-Fi Conference 2022 Edition was a great success. Li Fi Tech News will very soon write articles on the topics treated at the Conference.

    What is LiFi?

    LiFi, also known as "Light Fidelity" is a wireless optical networking technology, which uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit data. In 2011, professor Harald Haas made a LiFi demonstration at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Global Talk on Visible Light Communication (VLC).

    VLC uses light as a medium to deliver high-speed communication like Wi-Fi and complies with the IEEE standard IEEE 802.15.7. The IEEE 802.15.7 is a high-speed, bidirectional, and fully networked wireless communication technology-based standard similar to Wi-Fi's IEEE 802.11.

    How does LiFi work?

    LiFi is a high speed, bidirectional, and fully networked wireless communication of data using light. LiFi constitutes of several light bulbs that form a wireless network.

    When an electrical current goes through to a LED light bulb, a stream of light (photons) emits from the lamp. LED bulbs are semiconductor devices, which means that the brightness of the light flowing through them can change at extremely high speeds. The signal is sent by modulating the light at different rates. The signal can then be received by a detector that interprets the changes in light intensity (the signal) as data. Also when the LED is ON, you transmit a digital 1, and when it is OFF, you transmit a 0.

    LiFi Benefits

    The primary benefits of LiFi are as follows:

    Security: Provides entirely secure access. Where there is no light there is no data.

    Safety: Does not produce electromagnetic radiation and does not interfere with existing electronic systems.

    Localisation: Allows localisation due to the small coverage area of LiFi access point - localisation can be used for very precise asset tracking.

    Data density: Provides ubiquitous high-speed wireless access that offers substantially greater data density (data rate per unit area) than RF through high bandwidth reuse.

    Credit to Oledcomm

    LiFi Applications

    LiFi can be used for so many applications and the list is increasing every year. You can read our updated list of Li-Fi applications at the following link:

    Credit to pureLiFi

    LiFi Systems Reviews by LiFi Tech News


    We reviewed the LiFiMax kit produced by the leading French LiFi company Oledcomm. We bought this LiFi kit system at the end of 2020. After over a year of use, we decided to write a review of this LiFi system. We looked briefly at the profile of Oledcomm, a brief history of the LiFiMax system, the Kit box contents, some testing and performance results of this LiFi system, the customer experience and our own verdict (the good and the bad points) of the LiFiMax kit.

    You can read the review on this link:


    We also reviewed the Trulifi 6002.1 starter kit produced by Signify, the world leader in lighting for professionals, consumers and lighting for the Internet of Things. We got this LiFi kit system with the help of PCDSI and Signify around August 2021. In a similar fashion done with our previous review of the LiFiMax kit a few months ago, we will look briefly at the profile of Signify, a brief history of the Trulifi 6002.1 kit, the Kit box contents, some testing and performance results of this LiFi system, the customer experience and our own verdict (the good points and the bad points) of the Trulifi 6002.1 kit.

    You can read the review on this link:

    In conclusion, if you are also interested to hear more information about the OWNII Coin or enquire about LiFi devices such as the LiFiMax and Trulifi, you can contact us through our chatbot or by sending an email through our contact us form. If you enjoyed this post and would like to hear more updates about LiFi technology, subscribe to our newsletter. Don’t forget to subscribe to our social media accounts. You can also join our Telegram group about LiFi technology on this link: