Trialling Of LiFi Technology At The Museo Barracco De Escultura Antigua (Barracco Museum) In Rome

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    Trialling Of LiFi Technology At The Museo Barracco De Escultura Antigua (Barracco Museum) In Rome

    Credit to To Be Srl

    The Museo Barracco De Escultura Antigua (Barracco Museum)

    The Museo Barracco di Scultura Antica is a museum in Rome, Italy, featuring a collection of works acquired by the collector Giovanni Barracco, who donated his collection to the City of Rome in 1902. Among the works are Egyptian, Assyrian, and Phoenician art, as well as Greek sculptures of the classical period.

    Since the 6th January 2022, visitors have the opportunity to explore a selection of works displayed at the Museum collection with the use of LiFi technology, , a wireless technology using the light spectrum to transmit data. The LiFi systems were promoted by Roma Culture , Capitoline Superintendence for Cultural Heritage. and presented by the companies To Be Srl , DB Ingegneria dell ' image Srl and Tecno Electric Srl with the support of the European Union .

    The LiFi project is one of the 43 winners - out of 126 participants - of the “Business does Culture” call launched by the Lazio Region to promote, through the use of new technologies, the cultural heritage of Lazio.

    Credit to To Be Srl

    The Barracco Museum is among the first museums in the world to equip itself with the LiFi system , acronym for Light Fidelity . One of the most modern and innovative communication mechanisms that allows information and images to be transmitted wirelessly, by modulating the light, from special LED spotlights (transmitters) to the mobile devices of visitors equipped with cameras (receivers). To use the in-depth multimedia contents, compared to the ordinary tour route, simply download the appropriate App and place the smartphone or tablet under the light of the LiFi spotlight.

    Credit to To Be Srl

    A solution created with attention to 'non-traditional' modes of use: there is in fact a double mode of use, both for the sighted and the blind (or visually impaired), thanks to the use of audio tracks created from textual content.

    The technology can be tested at the Barracco Museum until February 20, 2022, with the possibility of an extension.

    The project was presented at today's press meeting, held at the Barracco Museum and moderated by Gianni Todini (Director of Askanews). After the welcome greeting by Maria Vittoria Marini Clarelli (Capitoline Superintendent of Cultural Heritage), the following intervened: Claudio Parisi Presicce (Director of Archaeological and Historical - Artistic Museums, Capitoline Superintendency for Cultural Heritage), Roberto Pollari (Head of Cabinet of the Regional Council of the Lazio); Francesco Paolo Russo (Founder & CEO of To Be Srl); Giancarlo Brasini (Project Manager DB Image Engineering); Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio (President of the UniVerde Foundation);Gabriele Ferrieri (President of ANGI - National Association of Young Innovators).

    Credit to To Be Srl

    The experimentation will involve a selection of 14 points of interest, of which 9 in the rooms on the ground floor and on the first floor and 5 in the so-called Roman House , dating back to its main structures documented in the 4th century AD and located in the basement of the museum, which reopens at public for the occasion after more than 20 years of closure . The discovery of the remains in the basement of the Barracco Museum is fortuitous and dates back to 1899, during the partial demolition of the Renaissance building, which has housed the Museum since 1948, created for the opening of the new Corso Vittorio Emanuele road axis.

    The domus , which has not been accessible to the public since 2000, will be extraordinarily open every day (except Mondays) until 9 January and, subsequently, until the end of February, only on weekends, from Friday to Sunday .

    The temporary reopening of the Domus , linked to experimentation, is only the first step in a broader and more complex project to enhance the site that will be developed in the coming months.

    The museum services are managed by Zètema Progetto Cultura .

    Credit to To Be Srl

    Article sources:

    What is LiFi?

    LiFi, also known as "Light Fidelity" is a wireless optical networking technology, which uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to transmit data. In 2011, professor Harald Haas made a LiFi demonstration at the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Global Talk on Visible Light Communication (VLC).

    VLC uses light as a medium to deliver high-speed communication like Wi-Fi and complies with the IEEE standard IEEE 802.15.7. The IEEE 802.15.7 is a high-speed, bidirectional, and fully networked wireless communication technology-based standard similar to Wi-Fi's IEEE 802.11.

    How does LiFi work?

    LiFi is a high speed, bidirectional, and fully networked wireless communication of data using light. LiFi constitutes of several light bulbs that form a wireless network.

    When an electrical current goes through to a LED light bulb, a stream of light (photons) emits from the lamp. LED bulbs are semiconductor devices, which means that the brightness of the light flowing through them can change at extremely high speeds. The signal is sent by modulating the light at different rates. The signal can then be received by a detector that interprets the changes in light intensity (the signal) as data. Also when the LED is ON, you transmit a digital 1, and when it is OFF, you transmit a 0.

    LiFi Benefits

    The primary benefits of LiFi are as follows:

    Security: Provides entirely secure access. Where there is no light there is no data.

    Safety: Does not produce electromagnetic radiation and does not interfere with existing electronic systems.

    Localisation: Allows localisation due to the small coverage area of LiFi access point - localisation can be used for very precise asset tracking.

    Data density: Provides ubiquitous high-speed wireless access that offers substantially greater data density (data rate per unit area) than RF through high bandwidth reuse.

    Credit to Oledcomm

    LiFi Applications

    LiFi can be used for so many applications and the list is increasing every year. You can read our updated list of Li-Fi applications at the following link:

    Credit to pureLiFi

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